Omagh Bomb Inquiry

The Family's Portal

Official Site Login Portal


This website has been created by Fox Law to provide a portal for our clients who are involved in the Inquiry to have access to updates, documents and information in relation to the establishment of the Omagh Bomb Inquiry.

Fox Law have been instructed by many of the families, victims and survivors affected by the Omagh Bomb and want to provide our clients with real time updates on all developments and information.

Should you have any queries please use the contact page.

Fox Law Inquiry Team

About Image

Omagh Bombing Inquiry Timeline

UK Government to Establish Public Inquiry

3rd February 2023

NI Office Confirm Consultation Process on Appointment of Chair has Completed

1st June 2023

Lord Alan Turnbull Appointed as Chairperson to the Inquiry

12th June 2023

Lord Turnbull Meets with the Families and Visits the Bomb Site

7th August 2023

A meeting with many of the affected families was held with Lord Turnbull to discuss any initial queries on how the Inquiry would work and operate

Meeting with the Irish Government

28th August 2023

The Irish Government provided a commitment and assurance that they would meet with the Bereaved Families

Terms of Reference Published

21st February 2024

The Inquiry Team Visit Omagh to Meet with the Bereaved Families

12th and 13th March 2024

Both the Solicitor to the Inquiry, Tim Sutter, and the Secretary to the Inquiry, Sam Hartley meet with the Bereaved Families